No Easy Day

Last Wednesday night, I got a text message from Geo of Fully Booked Rockwell, informing me that my pre-order title “No Easy Day” by Mark Owen is now ready for pick up. Yehey!

I have been excited to read this book since Sep 04, when it was published in the US amidst the controversy it generated due to the topic it delves into. The book is about a Navy Seal’s experience during the capture and eventual killing of Osama bin Laden last year in Pakistan.

I finished reading the book in three days because it is just 300 pages. Very gripping. It is the number 1 book at Amazon bestsellers list today.

When I pick up my copy at the bookstore, the staff told me that they only have 7 copies and that all are reserved. No extra copy for the shelf. Lucky me, I am one of the first in the Philippines to actually read it.

Below is the movie of Kathryn Bigelow about the same topic. It will come out in December, in time for the awards season.

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