Words hurt.

I was reminded by one of the main course points of a personality course I took last January 2008; the teacher said that for the 9 positive comments we receive and only one insult, we tend to remember the sole insult! True enough, negative comments or hurtful words leave a sting to our subconscious.

According to a new study, “memories of painful emotional experiences linger far longer than those involving physical pain.”

Eraserheads Reunion Concert

After all the controversy surrounding the much-hyped reunion concert of Philippine’s most famous rock band of the 1990s, The Eraserheads, it will finally push through tomorrow, Aug 30, 2008 at the Fort Open Field in Taguig. This time though it is under a new promoter, Radiohead Production.

It was rumored that each member was paid with a cool P2million. The band has a huge following during their heydays, and I am sure that their fans (who are now in their late 20s, early 30s) will come in droves for this momentous once-in-a-lifetime event.


So when can I expect other reunion of the original Rivermaya, Wolfgang, and Yano?

Fry your bowel!

We all know that fried foods are not healthy, period. But who cannot resist fried chicken, french fries, fried fish, etc.? Eventually, our body will just have to react.

Researchers have found that too much fried foods in your diet can increase your risk of bowel cancer later on.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) calculates that eating 150g of processed meats like sausages and bacon daily raises the risk by 63%. In addition, the high calorie content of a fry-up raises the risk of obesity, which is linked to many cancers.


Last week, a friend from Singapore come home and got the time to see all of us here in Manila. Yes, my circle of friends is not exempted from the Filipino diaspora. And because we have not seen each other for a year, the excitement of the dinner makes us all looking forward to it. Some of us have been thinking of it for days prior to the dinner date.

The topic of discussion revolves around how is life has been for each of us. The flashes of the cameras notwithstanding, laughs and grins covers the entire Lasa! Manila (whre we ate) experience. While waiting for the food to come, the balikbayan gives pasalubong to everbody the way Pinoy cultures dictates.

After the hearty meal, and when everybody’s stomach has been full to the brim, it is time to neutralize it cold case of beer. It may not be Oktoberfest yet, but we toast to celebrate the coming home of a friend. And everytime we hold a bottle of beer and the topic of discussion has run out, the classic formula of digging to things past is always the court of last resort.

It never stops amazing us when we remember those high school days of non-conformity, bulakbol, funny moments, embarassing moments, love teams, and other treasured moments that stuck in our minds. You can really see from the group pictures how we are happy to the brim!

That is the beauty of friends. No matter how we age, no matter what we become of, no matter our beliefs maybe, no matter where we are now and will be in the future, one thing is for sure—we treasure the fact that each one of us has been a part of each other’s life.

Here’s to future get together when another balikbayan from Florida comes home next month.

Cabbie rants

Originally posted by icallmyselfbella on flickr.com

Originally posted by icallmyselfbella on flickr.com

Don’t your blood boils when you hail a cab on a rainy afternoon, and you tell him your destination (a common landmark and accessible) but end up “joyride” by the cabbie in a longer route? You are already hungry from work, and you are imagining pasta permigiana with bits of brocolli but you have to hold for a moment because the i*iot cabbie has no sense of urgency?

To add insult to injury, he has to pass by a nearby gas station to refill! And the meter is ticking! Don’t we have a rule for cabbies to refuel only when they are not on duty, meaning when they don’t have passenger on them? This is anti-customer.

Now I am LOST

Shoot them all, Kate.

Shoot them all, Kate.

I just finished watching Season 4 of LOST. It was good; see, this is what I like about this series. It keeps you guessing all the time. Which translates to audience participation by using your brain. Yes, seldom do you see a TV show that makes you use your brain.

There were survivors who eventually found their way to return to their homes and survive the island. It was presented how they “escape” the island. But alas, the island is mystical in the sense that these survivors’s lives were a total wreck after they were rescued. And the only way to redeem and find peace is to return to the island.

But the thing is the island was moved to an unknown location. Who would’ve thought that the place can be move? Okay, LOST writers, engage us a little bit and surprise us with a good story about this come Season 5. And the producers promise that Season 5 will be really disconnected from the previous seasons in the sense that they will devoid us of the fast forward/flashback mode of storytelling.

Hmm, now that made me curious.

PS: The black smoke is not yet fully explained!